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Dare to Disagree

  • By Anne Alesch '08
  • Jul 28, 2015
  • Filed in CC3 Work Collaboratively, Communication, Handling Conflict, In Class Activity, Planning a CL Course, SLO2 Apply Skills, Video


This is a TED talk by Margaret Heffernan that describes the value of conflict and how it enriches our ideas and creates progress. Focus is on a collaborative partnership that embraces constructive conflict and diverse partnerships and thinking.


Go to Material:


Gives real-life application to value of disagreement among collaborating partners. Quick video link; the video lasts about 13 minutes. Simple way to add multimedia into your classroom time.


May need to have additional discussion for application of disagreement among various disciplines in order to extend across discipline areas.

Recommendations for use:

This video can be shown to any class that uses group process to demonstrate the value of conflict to group discussions and growth. Could be used to establish expectations (and even value for) disagreements in collaborative work.