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Syllabus Review Game with Kahoot!

By Sal Meyers, Jan 7, 2015

I just learned about a free online tool you could use to create a syllabus review game for your students to play on the first day of class: Kahoot! Distribute the syllabus, and then instead of going over it with your students, ask them multiple choice questions over the content of the syllabus. Kahoot will display the questions on your computer for you to project. Students can use their smart phones or any internet-connected device to answer the questions. Points earned in the game are a function of both accuracy and speed. You set the maximum amount of time students can spend on each item. That helps keep the game moving.

The game is not anonymous. Students are asked to enter their name when they first log in, and then a leaderboard is shown after each item showing the scores of students in the lead. To avoid embarrassing students and to reduce the number of laptops/tablets/phones needed, have students work in groups.

To create a Kahoot quiz, go to getkahoot.com.