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How Well Do You Understand and Use Information – Quiz

  • By Jess Guthrie
  • Jun 26, 2016
  • Filed in CC4 Feedback & Rubrics, Online Activity, SLO4 Copyright & Plagiarism


This quiz covers the evaluation of information sources, best citation practices, and copyright/fair use issues. The quiz provides immediate feedback for students explaining why the correct answer is correct.

Note: The first two quiz slides are specific to the developing library. “Search Skills” begins on the third slide.

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The quiz provides a scenario, then asks the student to choose the correct answer for each question.


Once you understand how to use it, its very easy to use. However, there are no directions included, so there is some chance of initial confusion/frustration. This is a timed quiz – the question slides will pop up after the slide timer reaches a certain time. I would advise students to be patient and let the timer run its course rather than trying to jump ahead.


Lower level undergraduate.