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Speaking Essentials (video on public speaking skills)

  • By Justin Brown
  • Jul 25, 2016
  • Filed in CC 1 Explicit Instruction, Planning an OC Course, SLO 1 Communicate Orally, SLO 5 Engage Audience, Video

Short video available through Dunn Library (requires Simpson login). Addresses nine public speaking issues including nonverbal communication and knowing your audience.

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The video includes specific tips and helpful hints, and because it is available through Films on Demand, it is easily accessible by students and faculty both on-campus and off.


The information in this video may be too basic for some students. However, many students who have never taken an OC course before may not have considered many of these points.

Recommendations for use

The complete video is just 30 minutes long, so the entire film, or just individual sections could be made available to students for students to watch on their own time. The information is broken up into segments on the right side, instructors could suggest certain videos or have students watch all videos and assess for themselves which sections are most useful and come prepared to justify this in class discussion. Some sections could be paired with additional exercises that will allow the students to practice (i.e. an audience analysis worksheet to determine their audience’s disposition about their topic).  Below are some resources to help students assess their audience prior to giving their speech.

Audience Analysis Assessment Tool

Audience Analysis Overview