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Student Learning Improvement Committee (SLIC)

The Assessment and Program Review Committee was divided into two committees at the 4/15/2015 faculty meeting:  Academic Program Improvement (APIC) and Student Learning Improvement (SLIC).


Four faculty members from separate divisions with staggered terms.

The Director of Academic Assessment, ex officio, voting.

The Director of the General Education Program, ex officio, voting.

One member of the academic support staff appointed by the Academic Dean to serve a three-year term, voting.

One student with junior status or higher appointed by the president of the student government with the advice and consent of the student senate.

Overview of SLIC:

The Student Learning Improvement Committee is responsible for reviewing the results of the annual student learning assessment reports of the academic majors and academic support programs. SLIC will administer the annual assessment of the general education program and make recommendations about improving student learning to the academic departments and academic support programs based on the results of the annual student learning assessment reports.


Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes:
Defining Student Learning Outcomes
Assessable Verbs List
Selecting Assessment Instruments
Curriculum Mapping

Annual Assessment Reports:
Annual Assessment Report Form
SLIC Rubric for Evaluation of Annual Assessment Reports

Most Common Comments on SLIC Annual Assessment Report Forms

National Institute on Learning Outcomes Assessment document

Good Assessment Practices at Simpson College

Explanation of Core Values

Committees and Members