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CL Resources Categories — CC1 Explicit Instruction

Avoiding Group Think (Article)

This is a straightforward article from the Harvard Business Review regarding…

Team Building Activities for the Business World

This is a website that has many instructions for group…

Teampedia: Tools for teams

Provides a multitude of collaborative activities that can be used…

Nonverbal Communication for Educators: Nonverbal Communication Defined

The target audience for this resource is for teachers, however,…

Barriers to Effective Communication

This is a very short description about effective communication.  The…

Decision Making Map

This resource provides the students with a narrative and a…

Guidelines for Successful Brainstorming

A TEDBlog with 12 tips for orchestrating brainstorming sessions. The…

Groups, Teams, and Teamwork: Chapter, Quizzes, and PowerPoint Template

Boundless.com provides free textbooks (as well as textbooks for sale)…

How to Prevent Social Loafing at the Office

This is a poster/handout explaining Social Loafing (group members not…

Self-Assessment of Skills

Self-assessment form of skills in the following categories: Communication, Leadership,…