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Student Employment Options

Student Employment Program 

Simpson College provides students with the opportunity to work part-time on or off campus through the Student Employment Program.   There are both need-based and non-need based employment opportunities available. Employment amounts generally range between $1,000 and $1,500 per year, with the average student working 4-7 hours per week. The current wage rate is $7.25 per hour. The student employment offer is not a guarantee of employment. Students are responsible for applying for their desired positions and securing job placement through Handshake. Simpson, in partnership with area community service employers, is committed to using a portion of its funding to encourage participation in community service activities.

Student employment earnings are paid bi-weekly for the hours worked in the previous two week period. 

Download the Work Study Handbook 

Self-Service Timecard Training click here

Frequently asked questions

When is pay day?
Students are paid bi-weekly.

How do I account for my time worked?
An electronic timesheet must be completed throughout the pay period and electronically signed by the student weekly. The student must complete the timesheet on the SC Connect student portal using self service. 

Where do I find timesheets?
Students will access their timesheet electronically on SC Connect at https://ss.simpson.edu/Student. Click on Employee, the Time Entry, Select the appropriate pay period and enter your hours. Please take care to enter your hours into the proper pay period and into the proper position if you work in more than one position (these choices will be available to you once in Time Entry). 

I have gone into SC Connect self service and do not have access to my timesheet.  Why is this?
If you are a new Simpson College Work Study student, you must complete your payroll paperwork (federal and state tax withholding forms, I-9, direct deposit form) and turn the forms into the payroll coordinator along with your ID’s before you will be given access to your timesheet.  If you have completed your paperwork and still have questions regarding the availability of your timesheet, contact cheryl.eaton@simpson.edu or susan.anderson@simpson.edu.

Should I round my in and out times when I enter them into my timesheet?
No, you may enter the exact in and out times that you worked.

What if I miss turning in my timesheet or turn it in late?
Contact your supervisor and the payroll coordinator. Your hours will be added to the following pay period and you will be paid the following pay period for those hours.