Located in College Hall on the Third Floor
Framed together on Wall: 1 letter dated Nov. 1, 1881 from George Mather to Bishop Simpson presenting 1776 letter 1 letter dated June 1, 1776 by John Wesley, founder of Methodist Church
Portrait of Bishop Simpson
Walnut twin beds from the Matthew Simpson Estate-1800s
Quilts on Beds: 1 “hour glass” design from Pennsylvania donated by Mary Premble Barton ’40 1 “nine Patch” from estate sale of Anna Elizabeth Wood ’15 who lived in Indianola
Walnut Dresser with oval mirror and marble top from Matthew Simpson Estate-1800s
Red and gold have woven coverlet hanging on quilt rack created by Clarisa E. Walker 1847 from Al Wakeman
Mirror between beds from Henry Estate
Quilt rack from Questors group in Indianola
Dresser scarf from the Henry Estate
4 legged walnut clothes tree
Dress (black striped with pink ribbon), hair curler, atomizer, gloves-Mable McKee estate ’08
Black high top shoes from Lebeda’s 1991
Glass tray-silver over copper edging
Wooden night stand between beds-from Dr. Robert and Luella McBride
Lamp on stand between beds and lamp on dresser-from Dr. Robert and Luella McBride
Fan quilt hanging on quilt rack
Crazy quilt hanging on quilt rack
Lace curtains
Wallpaper-historically accurate for 1870s
The Centenary of Simpson College (in frame by Alcove)