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COVID-19 Update: March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020 (12:36 pm) Central Time 

Dear Simpson College Community,

We have received several inquiries related to grading procedures for this semester in light of the move to online learning. Below you will find a Q & A related to some of the questions we have received.

Simpson Grading Policies for Spring 2020

  1. Q. Is Simpson College considering moving to a Pass/Fail option for grading?
  1. Simpson College will not be moving to a Pass/Fail grading system for Spring 2020.
  2. How will changing to online delivery of courses impact instruction?
  3. While we are changing modalities of instruction from face-to-face to the online delivery of courses, it is the intent that the same learning outcomes will be achieved, thus not requiring a different approach to grading.
  4. Who should I contact with questions related to my GPA?
  5. Please continue to reach out to your individual professor and/or your academic advisor with course questions.

Connect with Us

We continue to maintain and respond to all questions submitted through our dedicated email address. Please email, COVIDResponse@simpson.edu  However, for students with specific questions related to course work, we encourage you to contact your individual professor and or advisor. For faculty with academic-related questions, please contact Cheryl Jacobsen, academic dean.

Please continue to monitor your emails and check the Simpson College COVID19 webpage for updates.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions. #ONESimpson.

Thank you,
Bob Lane ‘81
Interim President