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COVID-19 Update: March. 7, 2022

Simpson College RECOMMENDS MASK USE in all indoor public spaces

Latest Campus Update

March 7, 2022 (9:16 a.m. Central Time)

Dear Simpson College students, faculty, and staff: 

Following the CDC’s revised guidance on determining community COVID levels and recommended strategies, the CMT has updated Simpson’s campus masking guidelines. These new guidelines take into account both the level of community COVID spread, as determined by the CDC, and COVID prevalence on campus.

Campus case prevalence is based on the number of new cases in the prior week (7 days) among students, faculty and staff. Under our updated protocols, Simpson will require mask usage when campus case prevalence exceeds 1% in the previous 7-days.

Here is helpful context for mask use requirement based on >1% case prevalence:

Campus Community = 1,400 people Exceeding 1% of 1,400= 15+ new cases in previous 7 days
January to Mid-February 2022 Routinely exceeded 1% (highest COVID rates of the pandemic were experienced)
From Mid-February to Now Routinely less than 1% (0-5 cases)

Effective today, Simpson mask use guidelines will be determined as follows:

Warren Cty. Community Level Low/Moderate Mask use optional (current status)
Warren Cty. Community Level High Mask use recommended
Campus case count of 1%+ in previous 7 days Mask use required

Classroom protocols remain unhanged at this time, meaning masks are still required. Simpson’s COVID dashboard will be updated weekly, showing the metrics relative to these new guidelines.

By requiring mask use in public settings after just one week of case prevalence exceeding 1%, we have the ability to quickly catch and slow down any resurgence of COVID on campus. And because there is a 2-week window within which the virus incubates and spreads, dropping the mask requirement will be based on two consecutive weeks of campus prevalence below the 1% threshold.

Even as we move to optional public mask use, please be sensitive to the needs of others in our campus community. Some are wearing masks because they are immunocompromised or have a family member too young to be vaccinated. Show respect by checking on their preferences for masking or simply mask up in those situations.

As always, thank you for your care for our #ONESimpson community.

Heidi Levine, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Development & Planning
Chair, COVID Management Team